Royal Armouries Panels
In early 2009, one of the club's members suggested that the next project could be of a panel to commemorate the 65th anniversary of the ending of the Second World War. This idea was taken up and developed to become 2 panels - one for the World War 1 and one for World War 2 - to be displayed in the Royal Armouries in Leeds. These panels are now complete and hanging in the Royal Armouries Museum, Leeds, where the booklet is also on sale. Photographs of the panels and the individual carvings can be seen in the gallery section of this website.
Click on the logo to view/print the article on the production of the panels,which appeared in the Woodcarver magazine, in pdf format.
Click on the Gallery button in the menu to see photographs of the completed panel and of the individual plaques which make up the panel.