22 | 10 | 2024

These newsletters are produced monthly after a club meeting and form a record of what happened at the meetings along with information on relevant events. 

April 2024

Richard on Jackets and Cartridge Belts. Once again Richard entertained and amazed us with his creations.

March 2024

Chris Freeman provided an insight into the role palyed by Water Aid across the world.

February 2024

This contains a report of the February meeting when Geoff Wallace gave a full explanation of how he makes ukuleles.

January 2024

This contains a report of the January meeting when Graham gave an illustrated talk on local packhorse bridges. The newsletter also contains details of forthcoming meetings.

October 2023

This contains a report of the October meeting when Derek spoke about making a guitar.. The newsletter also contains details of forthcoming meetings.

September 2023

This contains a report of the September meeting when Barry Bell spoke about his life experiences. The newsletter also contains details of the forthcoming meetings.

May 2023

Graham Lockwood spoke about his amazing automaton creations and showed us many samples of his work. 

April 2023

Richard Uttley talked about water profiling and wood finishing.

February 2023

Richard Uttley talked about the construction of his wooden racing bike, accompanied by slides.

January 2023

Representing ‘Medical Detection Dogs’, Laura Makey introduced us to an amazing ability of ‘man’s best friend’, the dog.

December 2022

This newsletter contains a report of our exhibit at the Harrogate show in November and a report of the Christmas lunch.

October 2022

Martin Norman took us into the world of moulding and cast sculpturing

September 2022

This newsletter contains a report of Derek Adams' huge timber garage construction.

February 2022

 Sue Whitwam spoke about the Colne Valley Museum, Golcar, Huddersfield

February 2020

Chris gave a presentation on tool sharpening followed by members having supervised practice from Mike.

January 2020

Mike Chambers gave us much information at our January meeting on how to sharpen our tools.

November/December 2019

The November/December newsletter summarised our November workshop when Peter “Wack” Walker and his Beautiful Assistant, wife Helleentje gave a fascinating talk on carnivorous plants and our lovely annual Christmas luncheon in December.


October 2019

This newsletter contains a report of the October meeting where our member, Malcolm Cooper, gave an excellent presentation of his stick carvings along with details of our Christmas lunch.


September 2019

This newsletter contains a report of the September meeting where our new Patron, Mike Painter, gave an excellent presentation. details of forthcoming meetings including the Christmas luncheon, and photographs of our panels in their new location in the Armouries.


May 2019

This newsletter contains a report of the May meeting and details of forthcoming meetings including a workshop with our Patron, Mike Painter, for our new season.


April 2019

The summary of the AGM and the change of officers and patron.


April 2019

John Adamson showed members how he finds inspiration for his many commissioned carvings.


March 2019

Emma Cook showed us how to carve on turnings. Next month we will hear from John Adamson.



February 2019

Mike Sykes showed us how to make Shaker boxes at our January meeting. On Saturday 9 February our meeting will welcome woodcarver and woodturner, Emma Cook. Details are also included of the stewarding arrnegments for the panel at St Giles Church, Pontefract.


May 2019

Report of the May workshop and details of forthcoming workshops for the newseason starting with our September meeting.



January 2019

This short newsletter contains information from the Christmas luncheon and details of the next Shepley meeting on Shaker boxes.



December 2018

The December edition of the newsletter contains details of our Christmas lunch and photographs of the panels in their new location in the Armouries.


October 2018

The October edition of the newsletter contains a report of our meeting with Mike Green on 'Medics who murder' and details of forthcoming meetings.


September 2018

The September edition of the newsletter contains a report of our meeting when Trevor explained how to sharpen chisels.

August 2018

This newsletter contains a report from the May meeting, details of forthcoming classes and other information.

May 2018

The meeting on 12 May will be with Jim Ribison, a master potter. Don't miss a photograph of Derek in his lycra ready for his epic 281 mile bike ride starting on 8 May in aid of charity!

April 2018

Read the fascinating story of master carver, José Sarabia, in this newsletter along with details of our forthcoming meetings.

March 2018

This newsletter includes details of the last meeting when Graham talked of his journey through China, the meeting of the carvers on the progress of the panel, details of the next meeting with professional woodcarver Jose Sarabia - not forgetting information on Derek's forthcoming arduous cycling expedition!

February 2018

The last meeting was a joint carving meeting where members worked on their carvings for the Prince of Wales Hospice at Pontefract under the expert tuition and encouragement of Mike Chambers, Peter Keene and Trevor Metcalfe.

January 2018

In this newsletter are details about the forthcoming meetings and classes, the state of play with the Armouries panels and a summary of the excellent Christmas lunch event.

October 2017

In this newsletter are details about the new panel, forthcoming meetings and classes, the Christmas lunch and an account of the excellent talk given by Mike Green, Emeritus Professor of Forensic Pathology.

September 2017

In this newsletter are details about the new panel, forthcoming meetings and classes, the Christmas lunch and more.

August 2017

This newsletter is a full one with details of Graham's talk on China, forthcoming meetings and classes, details of the new panel and much, much more.

May 2017

Our member, Graham Lockwood, entertained us with a talk entitled 'Travels throughout China'.  This newsletter also gives details of forthcoming meeting topics.

March 2017

Our speaker this month was Stuart Smith, who worked on the cold-case review of the Yorkshire Ripper Hoaxer as a Detective Sergeant and the purpose of his very professional and well delivered talk was to put forward a completely unbiased view of the detail and content of the Sunderland Letters and Tape.

February 2017

A right royal day out, adventure sailing on the high seas and lots of information are all waiting for you to read in this latest newsletter.

January 2017

Happy New Year! You can catch up on all the news in this latest newsletter and also find details of forthcoming meetings and events.


October 2016

 Melanie Wilks, sculptor, was our excellent speaker this month.  Read all about her amazing work in this newsletter.  You can also find details of forthcoming meetings and events.

September 2016

Our September newsletter is full of information relating to our forthcoming meetings and events.

August 2016

Before closing for the summer recess, we had pleasure in welcoming David Peckham to our May meeting on 14 May. Our next meeting will be on 10 September.

April 2016

After a successful AGM, we are planning future events.

March 2016

Peter Berry ran a full day workshop leading us in carving Fred 2.

February 2016

   John Daniels gave a fascinating talk entitled ‘30 years of humour in the Police Force’.

January 2016

Report of our January meeting.

November/December 2015

For our November 28th Shepley extended meeting, we welcomed once again to our meeting room the very skilled and charismatic Mike Painter.

The Christmas luncheon was a great success on Saturday 12 December.

October 2015

The October meeting broke with tradition and a most fascinating time was enjoyed under the guise of "Uncle Frank's Archive".

September 2015

The September newsletter reports on the superb demonstration given to the club members by internationally renowned woodturner and sculptor, Joey Wood.

August 2015

The August newsletter contains information on the forthcoming carving classes as well as an update on recent events.

June 2015

Mick Stidever's carvings for members to see.

May 2015

Mick Stidever, an author of several books, was our speaker at the May meeting.

March 2015

John Hudson entertained the members with an amusing account of his experiences of potting amazing items over a career spanning 49 years.

February 2015

Everest the Old Way - David Peckett and John Driskell entertained members and friends at the February Shepley meeting with their illustrated talk recounting their trips to Everest base camp in 1967 and 2010.

January 2015

Our own member, John Farrar, entertained members and friends at the January Shepley meeting with his illustrated talk on Monochrome Photography.

December 2014

This month's newsletter contains a report of our annual Christmas Luncheon with guest speaker, Chris Helm, in the presence of our Patron Dr Ingrid Roscoe, husband Marshall and Glen.

November 2014

David Lowe gave a superb demonstration of the art of woodturning.

October 2014

Anne Smallman demonstrated and then encouraged members to have a go at encaustic art.

September 2014

Don Barker, Prime Warden of the Worshipful Company of Blacksmiths, a Yorkshire blacksmith, who has forged 4 bronze lanterns for the Queen Mother's Memorial in The Mall. spoke about the history of Guilds.

August 2014

This newsletter covers the summer months of May to August.

April 2014

This month we held our 23rd Annual General Meeting.

March 2014

This month we were entertained with an excellent demonstration from Peter and Daniel from Axminster Tools on sharpening chisels.

February 2014

Local man, David McDonald, told of his life as a radio operator on board the Royal Yacht Britannia.

January 2014

In a swift gallop through the history of milestones, from the Romans to the present day, Jan Scrine Chair of the Milestone Society, told the fascinating story of these ancient stones and posts that punctuate our landscape.

November 2013

At the November meeting Graham Lockwood gave a most interesting demonstration on how to make automata and challenged members to make one for the competition at the Christmas Lunch next month.

October 2013

The inspiring carver, Thompson Dagnall, entertained us.

August & September 2013

There were no August or September meetings as members were busily displaying the new panel at the August Halifax Agricultural Show and at the Halifax Town Hall over the September Heritage weekend.

July 2013

Chris Helm kindly stepped in at the last minute and entertained us with an amusing talk entitled 'All in a day's work'.

June 2013

Alison kindly stepped in at the last minute and proved to be an incredibly interesting and informative speaker, who took us on a journey back in time.

April & May 2013

April was the AGM. At the May meeting, John Farrar entertained us with several humorous stories and entertaining recollections as he began to talk through some of the 'most unusual carvings' brought to the meeting by members.

March 2013

Tony Powell brought to life the times of Grinling Gibbons, an artist in wood.

February 2013

Derek Adams, a well-known member of the Brooksbank class, told his salty tale of boat-building at the February meeting.

January 2013

Colin Pratley and Trevor Stanley, both trusty members of the club, told the assembled throng about their working life as pattern makers; lots of cheerful stuff about 'when I were a lad', wanders down memory land and the good old days.

December 2012

A sleight-of-hand magician, a pair of Laurel and Hardy look-alikes and a magnificent man who jumped from a flying machine brought all the fun of the fair to our Christmas lunch.

November 2012

Peter Berry led members through a step-by-step guide to carving faces.

October 2012

Graham Kelly gave a fascinating talk on segmented woodcarving.

September 2012

Susan Evans, a member of the British Toymakers Guild, showed us how she makes and sells some marvellous wooden toys.

August 2012

Adrian talked the members through the plans for the group's next project - carving a panel for the Forget me Not Children's Hospice.

July 2012

Mark Raby, one of the most knowledgeable wood finishers in the country, showed us how to make a fine woodcarving even more attractive.

June 2012

Michael Painter gave us practical advice on how to carve a hand and an eye in what was an excellent session.

May 2012

Malcolm Taylor's tales of stickmaking raised many a smile at the May meeting.

March 2012

Mike Disley gave a superb talk on his life in stonecarving and gave a demonstration.

February 2012

Graham Collins gave a talk and allowed members to see the incredible miniature tools that he makes.

January 2012

Mike Disley, a local stonecarver, came to run the meeting.

November 2011

Peter Berry ran a highly successful practical workshop where members made a 'fred'.

October 2011

Mike Chambers and Bryan Hodgson demonstrated how to sharpen chisels using various methods.

September 2011

The club joined our friends the Lancashire and Cheshire Woodcarvers for a joint exhibition at the Heritage Open Day on Sunday 11 September at Townley Hall, Burnley.

August 2011

A free and easy session was the order of the day for the August meeting.

July 2011

Russell Elliott gave an inspirational talk on the origin and carving of netsukes.

June 2011

Patrick McLauglin from Heritage Inspired gave an illustrated talk on the Green Man and other carvings.

May 2011

This month our speaker was Howard Boyd, on his return visit after a period of 3 years, who gave an enlightening and highly entertaining talk.

April 2011

This month's meeting was the Annual General Meeting.

March 2011

Jack Metcalfe, Marqueteur, gave an illustrated and fascinating talk on the work of Thomas Chippendale with examples from his own projects.

February 2011

Joanne T Kell gave an excellent demonstration and presentation of the techniques involved in wildlife drawing.

January 2011

Peter Berry gave a superb presentation of figure carving.

November & December 2010

This newsletter covers the activities of November and December including the presentation of the panels.

October 2010

Demonstration by members of Birstall Woodturning Club.

September 2010

Joint meeting with our friends, the Lancashire and Cheshire woodcarvers.

August 2010

Jonathan Albutts brought us once more his rather odd sense of humour and his amazing skill in stone carving.

July 2010

Frank Bromhead, one of our members, gave a very interesting and moving account of his time spent aboard HMS Indefatigable.

June 2010

Graham Harker and his wife, Sue, gave a fascinating tak into building rocking horses.

May 2010

Chris Scaife gave a suprb talk on the worl of Robert Thompson, "The Mouseman" of Kilburn.

March 2010

Steve Blaylock, Metal Sculptor, gave a talk full of humour and interest on his metal sculptures.

February 2010

Philip Abbott did a spendid job, taking our 64 members and guests through the history of the Royal Armouries - Britain's oldest museum, holding in trust one of the greatest and most comprehensive collection of arms and armour in the world.

January 2010

We managed to start 2010 with a slight hitch, thanks to the weather, with a thick blanket of snow ruiing our first meeting of the year.

November 2009 & Deember 2009

In November we enjoyed a full day's workshop with Michael Painter. On 12 December, our excellent Christmas Lunch was held once again at Meltham Golf Club.

October 2009

David James, with his encyclopaedic knowledge of the history, design and the intricacies relating to the construction of the many varieties of shooting sticks and shepherds' crooks, entertained us.

September 2009

Joint meeting with Lancashire and Cheshire Woodcarvers at Townley Park, Burnley.

August 2009

Presentation of the Queen's Award for Voluntary Services by Dr Ingrid Roscoe.

July 2009

After club business was discussed, the artist, Richard Gawthorpe was introduced and a most amusing talk was given.

June 2009

In the absence of Jane, Adrian, our new Coodinator, opened the meeting. David Hey, Brian Hodgson and Mike Hadfield presented the draft ideas for the 2 panels proposed for the Royal Armouries.

May 2009

Martin Norman gave a very interesting talk and slide show on how to cast items from, for example, relief carvings to bronze.

March 2009

Brian Taylor gave a very interesting talk on caricature carving accompanied by a huge display of examples.

February 2009

Jim Wrathall, one of our members, gave a very intersting tak on Misericords.

January 2009

For the start of 2009, we were pleased to welcome Bob Chapman and some of his colleagues from the West Riding Woodturners. Bob entertained us to a demonstration of bowl turning.

December 2008

The Christmas Luncheon was held at Meltham Golf Club with Ian Clayton as the speaker.

November 2008

Keith Royle from the British Decoy Wildfowl Carvers Association gave a very interesting talk on carving decoy wildfowl.

October 2008

Thompson Dagnall gave a very interesting and informative talk with slide show on his large scale carvings.

September 2008

A lively meeting was held on the theme "Woodcarvers' question time".

August 2008

Brian Chapman gave a very interesting and informative talk on "Commission work for woodcarvers".

July 2008

Graham Wilson gave a moving talk on his vision of how our Club members can become involved in providing instruction in woodcarving to disadvantaged young people.

June 2008

Bary Isles gave a very interesting and informative lecture and demonstration on sharpening tools.

May 2008

Once again we were entertained by Graham, who gave a splendid talk on his main hobby - kite flying.

March 2008

Howard Boyd gave a splendid talk on his world of woodcarving.

February 2008

David Hey spoke on marquetry.

January 2008

Graham Lockwood spoke on automata.

October 2007 & November 2007

The meeting on 20 October was a combined one with the Lancashire and Cheshire Woodcarvers at their venue. At the meeting on 3 November, Dominic Suddaby gave an excellent presentation on stick-making.

September 2007

John Gray gave an excellent presentation on aero modelling.

August 2007

Albert Hobson, one of our Life Members, provided an excellent presentation on pyrography.

July 2007

Colin Wilson provided an excellent presentation on fretwork.

June 2007

Bob Lees provided an amusing demonstration of pottery making.

May 2007

This meeting was a tool sale along with bric-a-brac.

April 2007

March 2007

Malcolm Till, one of our members, gave a splendid talk, illustrated by his carvings, on relief carving.

February 2007 

 This workshop had to be cancelled due to the snow.

January 2007   
 George Moore from the Lancashire and Cheshire Woodcarvers gave a talk and a demonstration of woodturning.

November 2006
 A 'Free and Easy' meeting was enjoyed by the members